Quality of Feelings = Quality of Life

RicherExperiences on youtube shared this great video about her experience learning about how feelings effect the quality of life. As a personal coach I find that this is difficult to understand for a lot of my clients. Many clients want to put the main focus on either the source of the negative feelings or they try to focus on figuring out a way to get rid of, or destroy, that feeling or source - when really they could simply create
good feelings which will flow and replace the negative feelings.

The idea of creation versus destruction is new to a lot of people, but it is an integral part of learning to manifest positivity. A lot of us can not control what goes on around us, but we can each control the way we feel about things. Creating a happy and satisfying life is all about being in a happy mind state right now, right where you are. RicherExperiences has a mini dance party in this video as a silly but truthful proof that you can create a happy mind state, or "peak state" anytime, anywhere.

The "emotional home" is something that a lot of personal coaches discuss, this is each persons' emotional comfort-zone. For the majority of Americans the emotional home is either anxiety or depression. These types of emotions, though intrinsically negative, serve as a comfortability that can actually become addictive in some cases. In other words, many people simply choose to continue to feel that way instead of taking the steps necessary to change it. The idea of being happy or fulfilled is so uncomfortably foreign that they can not handle the thought of giving up the security-blanket of depression or anxiety. All it really takes is a decision. To "happy dance" or not to "happy dance," that is the question.

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