Get It Together: Closet Organization

When it comes to personal domination life coaching, it is all about taking control of your situation and creating a better life for yourself. You can easily take control of your home and make the most of your space by clearing out the clutter and creating an organized environment, and what better place to start than the closet! Closet organization is as much about wardrobe storage as it about protecting your clothing investment, your clothes will last longer if they are well-kept. An organized closet also helps you save time from searching for pieces and/or ironing wrinkled blouses or pants. For many of my clients, the idea of closet organization and clothing storage is daunting and can be overwhelming. However, here are some practical, creative, and affordable options so that you can dominate your clutter and get your closet organized.
closet organize idea
To begin, we should all redefine our meaning of "closet space." For most of us, closet space is limited to the built-in crevices that come in our homes. However, we can create unlimited closet options once we look at our home with different eyes. For example, instead of hanging a large painting to fill a 'focus wall' in a living room, you can hang industrial shelving and put your wardrobe on display as an art piece. Both of the photos above are perfect examples of how your wardrobe can be gorgeously displayed, whether it is in a living room or a home office. 
closet organize
Most built-in closet crevices typically only come with a single rod stretched across the top. However, thanks to DIY closet kits, we can add a lot more customization to our closets. Depending on your needs you can spend less than $40 for a complete closet kit that provides shelving and multi-level hanging rods so that you can really maximize your space and keep your clothes organized. This is the most common way to make the most of your built-in closet space and it is really easy to install with the help of a power drill (and any Pin Up worth her salt owns one and knows how to use it). The image above shows how you can create 3 different spaces for hanging-clothes plus drawers and shelves for folded-clothes, sweaters, and shoes.
closet organize idea 2
If your home or apartment doesn't include (enough) built-in closet crevices, then it is up to you to use your open spaces creatively. Open-space closets are becoming more popular as women take control of the situation and redefine their space. The image above is a great example! Instead of placing your bed right up against the wall, move it into the middle of the room and use that wide-open wall as a floor-to-ceiling wardrobe space. You can always store your laundry baskets behind your headboard to keep dirty clothes of sight, and you can even hang a wall to wall curtain to hide your wardrobe as well.
closet organize idea 1
If you don't have a wall-to-wall space you can buy some cheap wire racks from the hardware store and then cover the whole thing with coordinating fabric to match your room. The wire racks are typically found in the garage storage section in hardware stores and they are very durable, meant to store heavy machines and gear, so they are perfect for hanging clothes and storing shoes. This idea is also a great supplement to built-in closets, just in case you need a bit of extra wardrobe storage. I love this as an idea for storing your Pin Up or Burlesque costumes as well, that way you can keep them separate from your "every day" wardrobe. For less than $50 you can buy a Double Rod Closet to get you started. The plus side to this is, since everything is covered up, you can put this in any room and hide your wardrobe in plain sight while adding a bit of color and fun depending on the fabric you use to cover it all.
closet organize idea 3
Another overlooked option for wardrobe storage is and empty wall in a bathroom or hallway. These are great spots for open-air closets, especially the bathroom as that is where most of us get dressed anyway. However, we do not recommend using a bathroom environment for storing things like fur, silks, or feathered hairpieces or boas, as the humidity may affect the material. Even a narrow wall can provide a floor-to-ceiling option for organizing your clothes, shoes, hats, and bags. All you need is a couple of these Shelves with Hanging Rods (less than $15 a pop) and maybe a Closet Doubler (around $10) if you need extra space for hanging clothes.

We came across this awesome under-the-stairs shelving idea. The image shows how the unused area underneath a staircase can be fitted with narrow, shallow shelves. This is such a great idea! In the picture, you can see how they used this newly created space for storing books. However, don't you think this is an amazing idea for storing and displaying your collection of shoes and bags? 

We hope these ideas inspire you to get organized, creatively, without spending a lot of money! What are your favorite closet organization tips? We would love to hear from you! Share your tips in the comments section, or post them at

Quality of Feelings = Quality of Life

RicherExperiences on youtube shared this great video about her experience learning about how feelings effect the quality of life. As a personal coach I find that this is difficult to understand for a lot of my clients. Many clients want to put the main focus on either the source of the negative feelings or they try to focus on figuring out a way to get rid of, or destroy, that feeling or source - when really they could simply create